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Kids Quran Reading

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I register?
Register yourself or kids by Clicking Here. We will contact you soon via E-mail or phone . All registrations and inquiries have a 24 hours response time. Our dedicated Tech Department will assist you in the software installation and give you a free live tutorial on how it works. There is no registration or admission fee .You get a 3 days free trial, allowing you to evaluate our services.

Our Teachers:
We have dedicated training manager and training program. Tutors know how to communicate with people in western world and sensitivity training. 

Do I need Credit card information for Trial classes ?
No. You are not required to give credit card information for trial lessons.

Will You send any invoice every month ?
Yes, we will send you an invoice every month on your due date.

Is there any discount for more than one family members?
Yes, there is discount for family members up to 50%. Please contact us to get a discount for multiple students. If you refer someone else to us we will give discount to you also.

Is there any Offline payment method ?
Yes, you can make payment with Money gram and Western Union

Payments are on manual or recurring basis?
Above mentioned payments are on manual basis.

Is Online Quran Tutoring effective?
Our experience finds 1-to-1 online Quran tutoring effective and useful. Try 3 Free Trial sessions under no obligation to make your own determination about its effectiveness.

What you need to get started
* Personal computer or Laptop
    * Internet connection
    * Headset and Microphone


Islamic Resources


* Islamic Months Wazaif

* Noorani Qaida in English for Kids

* Noorani Qaida in English for Kids

* Yassarnal Quran for Kids

* Holy Quran Online In PDF

* Holy Quran Para Online

* Quran With Tajweed PDF

* Rules Of Tajweed PDF

* Surah Yaseen Urdu Translation

* Surah Rehman Urdu Translation

* Surah Mulk Urdu Translation

* Surah Juma Urdu Translation

* Dua For Wuzu / Wudu

* Dua For Entering Home

* Dua For Entering Toilet

* Learn Quran Online

* How To Pray Namaz

* Dua for Daily Life

* Dua For Taraweeh

* Dua for Parents

* Dua For Maghfirat

* Dua e Qunoot

* Istikhara Ki Dua

* Dua For Namaz / Salah

* Dua For Eating Food

* Dua for Fasting

* Dua For Sleeping

* Dua For Entering Mosque

* Dua For Funeral

* Darood Sharif / Darood Pak

* Darood For Rizq

* Darood Tanjeena

* 6 Kalma of Islam

* Ayatul Kursi With Translation

* How To Pray Namaz

* Importance Of Nimaz

* Ayat e Kareema

* Pillars Of Islam

* Zakat

* Hajj and Umrah

* Dua for Ramazan / Ramadan

* Islamic Boys Name

* Islamic Girls Name

* Allah 99 Names

* Prophet (PBUH) 99 Names

* Darood For Shifa

* Darood Taj

* Dua For Coronavirus


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Islamic Resources

   *  Holy Quran in PDF

Noorani Qaida in Urdu

   *  Noorani Qaida in English

Rehmani Qaida for Kids

Darood Sharif - Darood Pak
Dua For Coronavirus

Daily Dua / Masnoon Dua

Dua For Taraweeh

Dua For Parents

Dua e Qunoot

Dua For Istikhara

Dua For Maghfirat

6 Kalma of Islam
Ayatul Kursi

How to Pray Nimaz

   *  Surah Yaseen

   *  Surah Rehman

   *  Surah Mulk Surah Juma
Islamic Wazaifs

Ramazan / Ramadan Dua

   *  Zakat Rules & Calculator

   *  Hadith Online Books